Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yes. Still alive. And kicking.

I just filed the insurance claim for my laptop, so it will be a while until I get it. Until then, I can only post at work or the library, and neither is an ideal choice. So I am on here updating my current reading list.

Updates: My social life is improving. I am seeing someone. He's new, so more about that later. I am getting full-time hours at work, and even more than that last month. More than I would like, but not more than I need at this point. Ah, to be independently wealthy. And my housing? For now, the house is officially off the market, so I am staying put, which of course, is great for me. Weather and work have thwarted my last two garage sales, so the living room is still a mess of boxes, which makes the cat happy, and me annoyed. Shooting for next Saturday.

Life is weird right now. But what exactly is normal? Certainly not me!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your FT hours, staying at the house and the new beau. You've got alot going on.. Post soon!
