Monday, January 21, 2013

Word of the Year for 2013

This year I do not want to make resolutions at which I inevitibly fail, or at the very least, fall short.
This year I want to make changes in my lifestyle.
My word for the year is: CREATE
Things I want to CREATE:
  • deeper friendships with a select group of ladies.
  • a peaceful refuge for my man.
  • an organized and useful space for my artistic endeavors and projects.
  • all of my Christmas gifts.
  • a repetoire of recipes for both of our dietary needs.

The world is but a canvas to the imagination.
~Henry David Thoreau

How to Not Be Depressed

According to today's news reports, the third Monday of January is statistically the most depressing day of the year. Well, how lovely. Apparently a group of psychologists came up with this a few years ago  and have decided that poor weather (unless you live in the southern hemisphere), incoming credit card bills from overexpenditures at Christmas (unless you pay cash), and failed New Year's resolutions all contribute to this sad and pathetic day.

I wish I had known this earlier. I could have really milked it.

It made me think back to a list that was posted in the church library years ago. One of the keys to fighting depression?  Go out and do something nice for somebody else. I think I will.

Disclairmer: Lest anyone think I am mocking people with depression, I am not. This is fuzzy science at its best, based solely on conjecture and without numbers backing it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oh, The Shame

Well, hello!  As about half a dozen people have pointed out to me in the past week, I am a horrifically inconsistent blogger. I do have a lot of ideas to write about, as well as some new projects that I have been working on (and actually completed) to post pictures of.

With that in mind, I will attempt to keep the following rules in mind as I forge ahead: