Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mediocre Tuesday is Over

I say that rather tongue-in-cheek. Is it just me, or is this the Longest-Campaign-Ever?

I did go to caucus last night. Here in Minot, they were expecting between 200-300 voters at the Republican caucus, and were surprised with a final total of 877. They ran out of ballots midway and had to run and print more. Which made me roll my eyes, but feel pleased with the large turnout.

Democracy in action is a good thing. I have very strong political views, but ultimately, because all, yes, all, of my political beliefs are formed and influenced by my faith, I choose a candidate who best matches those beliefs. This, for me, is voting my conscience. I realize, though, that in the general election I may not have the same liberty, but I am praying that the candidate who realizes the party's nomination is one that I can support.

There is one that I will not....but that's a whole other post!

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