Thursday, September 27, 2007

Non-Motivational Posters

I'm a child of the seventies, that great decade when we were all told that we could be whatever we wanted when we grew up. Oh, really?

The motivational poster was also birthed out of that line of thinking and was intended to reinforce those fantastic positive thoughts so that we could go out and achieve great things. Even as a child, I remember thinking that if we could all grow up to be president...that would be one heck of a fight during the election.

So I found these...a great remedy for the smarmy motivational poster. And further proof that I have a warped and twisted sense of humor. (It's my dad's fault.)

Because, let's face it, not everyone gets to be president.

Check out more of these "de-motivators" from

I have this one on my office wall. My co-workers all ignore it.



    Love it!

    Totally off topic, but did you know that Josh Groban just released a Christmas CD.....
