Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quote of the Day: Jane Austen

Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.
~Jane Austen, Emma

Monday, November 29, 2010

Using What I Have

Small Notebook is an interesting blog that I often read. Recently, the author posted on using what we have for Christmas decorating. This presents an interesting challenge, which I confess, I already failed, because I bought new candles. But I have been decorating today using some things that I pulled out of storage.

The garlands are up, but not yet decorated, as I am thinking about what I want to do with them this year. I think I am going to skip getting a tree. I am unwilling to give up the floor space. I am also unwilling to pick up the aforementioned tree every night after work. My kitties are naughty and inquisitive little beasts.

So this is what the Christmas decor looks like so far.  The cedar was cut from my dad's property this morning. I figure if it dries out, I can replace it as needed. It smells wonderful. The little fur mukluks were my mother's as a baby. Adorable! And the huskies were my grandma's. I remember them in her home.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lo-Carb Iced Mocha

Occasionally I really want a mocha.

Well, daily I want a mocha. A nice tall, triple-shot, chocolatey, full-of-fat and sugar mocha.

But I never ever get one. Poor me. I've switched to the Americano.

Joy of joys, I have found a way to give myself a bit of indulgence.  I bought a 4-pack of the Atkins Mocha Latte Shakes for about $5.

Add to ice and 2 shots of espresso....yummy Iced Mocha! And it's about $2.70 total, in comparison to the $4 I would spend at Star$$$$s.

There are a couple of other flavors in the Atkins collection and I want to try this one pictured, the Cafe Caramel.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ode to Little Bro

This is Little Bro. He is, in Joe's words "a bit of a dummy". But he's the sweetest little lovebug. How can I resist that little ball of energetic love? Every night when I come home, I cannot sit down unless I plan to be there for a while, because instantly I have him snuggling with me.

What a baby.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Artist in the Family

I have quite an artistic heritage to live up to. My mom, Julie, has always been creative and talented. She sews, quilts, refurbishes absolutely useless pieces of furniture into something fun and usable, scrapbooks, and has a great eye for decor and design. Last winter, while wintering in Arizona, she learned to take a simple gourd and make it into something lovely.

This one is mine. She won't let me have it yet, though...she wants to show it to her siblings first. But it's mine. And they can't have it.

It's the smallest of the three, but I chose it because I love the turquoise, and that she used pine needles from her own yard to create the trim.

Mom was pleased to find the shell adorning the front of this one during her last trip to Washington. It was conveniently pre-drilled by nature.

The one  below is a gift for my aunt. This gourd is the largest. It has leather trim and sweetgrass around the top. And elk teeth. Aunt Jo will love it.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote Today...

...because, yes, I am one of those people who will not listen to your complaints unless you actually participate in the process, even if you don't agree with me politically. And I do already know that the pickings are slim. This is what we have.

If you are in Washington, this means getting your ballot into the mail today. I must confess, I miss the actual process of going to the polling place and getting in that little booth! Mail ballot voting just loses some of the feel of the democratic process.